
I hope you learn some new cool facts about Dolphins from this!
Ones that you never knew! Read away!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Funny Fact of the day/week/month/whenever I can find a funny fact #2

Did you know that according to the laws of physics dolphins shouldn't be able to swim as fast as they can? This has many scientists stumped, but they think that maybe it has something to do with the fact that Dolphins are constantly shedding skin... if you were to touch one, you would see a bit of it on your hand, a little gross, yes, but I still love those deep sea mammals.

Oh, btw, dolphins aren't the only outlaws when it comes to physics, bees shouldn't be able to fly!



addi said...

i love doliphons to they are so cool and actuly i swam with dolphins when i went to sea life park

Galaxy said...

Lucky! Did they play with you at all?

Thanks for checking this blog out!


Shelby said...

Come over to my blog and teach me how to say your fav word[lungie one]1 I am ten

Rose said...

Do you mean Pneumonoultramicroscopic silicovolcanoconiosis?

Galaxy said...

I'm glad you liked it!
