
I hope you learn some new cool facts about Dolphins from this!
Ones that you never knew! Read away!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Million Names

The word 'Dolphin' originated from some of these Greek and Latin words.

The first Greek word was Delphys (which means 'womb') after this came Delphis (which means 'fish with a womb').

Doifinus was the first word for dolphin in Latin, then came Delphinus.

Daulphin is the french word for our second favorite mammal, it isn't really what 'dolphin' came from, but I thought I might as well add this with the rest.

Interesting Facts: Did you know that Killer Whales are actually a type of dolphin?! And that Dolphins actually comunicate with each other with clicks and other vocalizations?!

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